Last updated 7 Sep 2024, 16:25:04 UTC

Jonathan Roberts ("My name is Jon. I'm from Indiana. I'm a machinist. I've always been curious and fascinated...")
Janzur ("Volvox Globator")
jamaso ("Undergraduate astrophysics student based in New York City and Philadelphia")
Jean-Jacques Andrieu ("Je m'appelle Jean-Jacques ANDRIEU, je suis français, né en 1990 en Bretagne, de...")
Jeff Mc. ("55 year old widower")
Jacob Seifert ("living@cologne Health science teacher")
jmdana ("anything else about yourself.")
Jeffrey Johnson ("I live in the Pittsburgh, PA area. I am an Environmental Scientist with a passion for the...")
jackmayn ("ICARVISIONS is a world-class company focusing on the development and design of the vehicle...")
Joachim Stingl ("Born in April 1974 IT Professional from Germany (Lower Bavaria) Love photography...")

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