Last updated 20 Jan 2025, 17:20:04 UTC

Jakub S ("WE - because there are THREE of us - try to give our bit to the world. We have computers,...")
Joseph Stateson ("Joseph Stateson, Principal Analyst, retired Southwest Research Institute San Antonio,...")
Jaya Mukherjee ("Born on the planet Earth in India (Allahabad) and live in Mumbai (Bombay, India). I've...")
Joern Gerken ("If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Lee Kuan Yew")
JHAPA ("Funny guy from Prague..It spec... Q9400, P4HT, T3400 and other stuff to crunch Now...")
jluzzi ("I'm 22 from NY. I work in a hospital as a Software Administrator for my department. ...")
Jammy ("I just started running milkyway@home on December 24th 2008. I like Milky Way candy bars so...")
James Sotherden ("Im a 56 year ols living in New York. I love to read science fiction and miltary history.")
J. Gdak ("Hi I'm from Poland and I'm 24 years old. I'm a member of BOINC@Poland Team.")
Jonathan ("I like baseball, basket-ball, football and hockey. I am in fifth grade.")

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