Last updated 17 Oct 2024, 16:45:05 UTC

Jelito2008 ("Hi! I'm from the Czech Republic and I'm in Czech National Team (CNT). I'm interested in...")
Joe452 ("Well I'm 53, been married for 35 years. I had 2 kids. Unfortunately one was lost in an...")
Jacob Mac Donald
Jon Dann ("^)^")
jeffpriz ("Running computer science projects is fun! I'm a computer DevOps engineer in the...")
Jay Kz ("Started with SETI when it was new, found Milkyway@home as a worth while alternate. ")
JLSchro* (" Now a happy cruncher with Sicituradastra., build computers, and a lot of other...")
Jack75 ("I'm an Italian boy of 1975 good life to all")
Joseph A. Clark ("I live in West Central Ohio. I'm an amateur radio operator, beekeeper, kayaker, beermaker....")
Juan Crespo ("Originally from New York City, I now reside in Philadelphia, PA., USA. My occupation is...")

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