Last updated 7 Sep 2024, 16:25:04 UTC

JohannaEidler ("Bonjour, Je suis née en 1974 et je suis fan d'astronomie, de JDR, d'histoire et de...")
Juergen Hagn ("Geboren wurde ich am 15.01.1963 in Weiden/OPf, Deutschland und habe mich schon sehr frueh...")
John Robert Mallernee ("I am a convert in The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints (i.e., the "MORMON"...")
JerWA ("")
Joses ("I am an electronics professional and enthusiast that keeps current with high technology,...")
James Schofield ("From and Lived in S. Ontario Canada, I am 41, in the printing industry, and my hobbies are...")
John Kennedy ("I am a 40 year old reservist in the U.S.A.F. for the past 18 years. I work full time for a...")
JackWalker (""SEMPER FIDELIS" Is Not Just A Latin Phrase For Faithful, Or More so The USMC moto, But...")

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