Last updated 7 Sep 2024, 16:25:04 UTC

John Ellis ("I am a career US Army officer with a more than passing interest in space and what is out...")
jab_au ("System Administrator, Trekkie")
John ("I have set up a web site that probably covers my background adequately. Drop in on ...")
Jean-Sé ( with " Zoulou " ) ("Hey ! Origine : France (Vaucluse Saumane) Age : 26 (04/05/1983 22H37m31s) Occupation :...")
Jou ("ATI 4770 970MHz/1100MHz @ 1.2V Overclockejada des de 750/800 AMD Phenom II X4 955...")
Jack ("Retired software engineer.")
Jeffrey ("I'm an American born Floridian living since 1975 in Germany. Married and have 3 children....")
Joe ("Bdr. J. Sare - 13th BDE Regional Coordinator, Region 13 Chapter: SS Bounty STARFLEET...")
Julie ("Hi, I'm Julie but you can also call me rOZZ. I'm 32 years old and living in Belgium. I...")
Jozef J

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