Last updated 10 Mar 2025, 17:45:04 UTC

Michael Roberts ("I studied crystallography and am currently a systems analyst working on mobile telephone...")
Mitchell ("I'm a IT professional located in the good Ol U.S.A, Virginia, and crunch for a hobby to...")
m.mitch ("I'm Australian, I started my working life as a programmer and now I'm a Business Analyst, I...")
m4rtyn ("***** ***** Hi, my name is M4rtyn I am 50 years old and live in Birmingham England. I...")
Myster65 ("Creator of the series of stamps for BOINC and projects. Winner of the QMC@HOME birthday...")
mike hammond ("my name is mike hammond. i was born in england , raised in brooklyn and now in live in a...")
Michael H.W. Weber ("I am a german chemist currently working as a Principal Investigator on bacteriophages and...")
MacRuh ("Hi fellow crunchers I'm 43 years old, living in Switzerland and working in...")
Meise ("Hey, my name is Daniel, I was born in 1988, and I'm from east-west germany. I am...")

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