Last updated 10 Mar 2025, 17:45:04 UTC

Mecki-Messer ("I love chrunching Numbers!")
Maliar Ivan ("Hello. I am an engineer from Ukraine. I am 23. I recently graduated from the institute and...")
mones aka Monal P. ("Monal from DC, via New England. Defense work, into swimming, running, travel, music,...")
Meax ("21 yo cybersecurity enthusiast. CTF player. Space lover. I'm mostly working on web and...")
mikit ("Participate only on cold winter Saturdays and Sundays. It's for home...")
Mcworld ("Hello, I been doing Seti@home and been away some time and now when it is hibernated I...")
Matthew Riley ("Just an average guy who has an interest in Space, Technology and what we can do in the...")
Marcin_Szydlowski_1984 ("Just want to use spare comp time for pushing this civilization further. Contributor from...")

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