Last updated 10 Mar 2025, 17:45:04 UTC

tifroumi ("j'aime : les bulles de savon, les grillades et dormir au bord de l'eau, les discussions...")
tito ("I'm a merchant seaman (eng. team). Like to crunch BOINC to prove that it's fastest computer...")
Teratoma [SETI.USA] ("Married, Father of 1 Amazing Boy and another Baby Boy on the way (w00t!), a Crunchaholic,...")
tyler o. ("I'm from Savannah, GA, USA and a member of the amazing SETI.USA team. Joined the BOINC...")
The worm that turned
The Dreamer ("I am a single Electrical/Computer Engineer currently in Manhattan, Kansas, where I work for...")
The Jedi Alliance - Jedi Knight ("Jedi Knight of the Jedi Alliance")
taoran ("")
tojaberlin ("Hallo miteinander! Ich bin 44 Jahre alt und als Sozialarbeiter in Berlin, Germany ,...")
The Ancient One ("Born in 1953, Celle, Germany. Adopted at the tender age of three by an English couple and...")

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