Last updated 10 Mar 2025, 17:45:04 UTC

trikis ("")
trigggl ("AKA -- trigggl of SETI.USA Mega Milestoners I'm a survivor of a brain tumor since '04,...")
the flying pancake
TheHarperdragon ("I crunch because I can -- and if we all did a little, it's amazing how much could be...")
theage69 ("[center] [/center]")
tevulis ("I am a student of Computer Science at the RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany. I'm a...")
TC ("NYC'ish i7 920 stock OC'd 3.67ghz, Asus P6T Delux, 6gigs Patriot, 2X300 Velociraptors Raid...")
TRZECIAK ("Mam 31 lat. Mieszkam w Polsce 50km od Warszawy. LiczÄ™ w zespole...")
The Laserbrain ("I am a 22 years old rock n' roll guitarist and singer. I work as an architectural draftsman...")
Tom Camp ("I am a 43 year old web developer living in Paonia, Colorado, USA. I snowboard, climb,...")

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