Last updated 10 Mar 2025, 17:45:04 UTC

Tim Kirkpatrick ("I'm from Concord, California, USA..that's just east of San Francisco, about 25 miles. Also...")
Tanke (Asturias) ("Hola, soy Juan (Tanke). Nacido en Aviles (Asturias)en Abril de 1979 y viviendo ahí....")
tocx ("Member of SETI.Germany ")
Thurlow Farnsworth ("Originally from Oregon/California, but in the South for the last 61 years, mostly in...")
tosi ("...")
Todd Greene ("As I write this (Dec 16, 2009), I'm brand new to BOINC, and to the Milky Way project. First...")
tim_foster ("Born in Hawaii, raised on the city streets of South St. Louis, tramped through the Western...")
TRuEQ & TuVaLu ("Välkommen Till Running Milkyway(Since 2010) I have dedicated some time to...")
T-Armstrong (" ")

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