Last updated 7 Sep 2024, 16:25:04 UTC

Wu Shichao
William Lopez ("from California,fascinated by what might be out past are little blue ball.")
WinterGuard1944 ("I'm in my late 20's and I'm educated in Philosophy and History. Among other things I...")
Wilson ("An astrophysicist currently working in the Herschel team at the European Space Astronomy...")
Warren ("My name is Warren, and I am a graduate student studying Aerospace Engineering at...")
Wisesooth ("First of all, I am not an Irish druid. Live in the United States (well, sort of united). ...")
Wahe ("Hello, Happy to help map the galaxy.")
Wayne C Alderman ("My name is Wayne Claude Alderman, I'm 32 Years Old, My Occupation is CryptoCurrency Mining,...")

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