Last updated 13 Sep 2024, 16:30:03 UTC

Marcin_Szydlowski_1984 ("Just want to use spare comp time for pushing this civilization further. Contributor from...")
Ahmad Youssef ("I am a web developer and editor currently living in Egypt. My interests range from...")
christophehubert ("Christophe Hubert is a product manager and expert in his field. He has worked in the...")
Ottavio Morciano ("Italia,Sud Salento,29 anni,studente di medicina in Slovacchia-Kosice,overclockers e amante...")
Günter Opitz-Ohlsen ("Ich bin Rentner und beschäftige mich in meiner Freizeit mit der Allgemeinen...")
haleyadams77 ("Graduated with an engineering degree and would like to help others, specifically those in...")
alt23 ("Hi there! I'm alt23(alt236679) living as some pieces of data on the Internet :) I'm so...")

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