Last updated 13 Sep 2024, 16:30:03 UTC

thomas mccrea ("hi I am tom I m from the uk a home carer. I just love this stuff and run plenty others to...")
Richard ("Richard Gaunt, bit of a nerd really.")
nigel dixon ("A DJ producer from the south coast U.K grown up with computers and love em still, love...")
John Hopkins ("I am a networking engineer living in London. I was a volunteer at the 2012 Olympics and...")
Dave Dastardly ("Living in th UK, just west of London. 40 year old technology nut.")
Ryanteck ("Ryan Walmsley, From Stevenage United Kingdom, I'm a 16 Year old student studying IT....")
Kevin Atkinson
alanmustafa ("Hi everybody. I was introduced to SETI@home back in 2003, and then to MilkyWay@Home...")
Alienmoon ("Hi there, Well I'm from Blackburn, England I'm 45 and consider myself somewhat of a...")

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