Last updated 13 Sep 2024, 16:30:03 UTC

nickth ("Well im 37, live in Belfast Northern Ireland. Work as a wearhouse operative for a home...")
UBT-Timby ("Member of The UK BOINC Team. Join us here Join the UK BOINC Team:...")
Ray Murray ("I've been Boincing since August 2004 having graduated from Seti Classic and have either...")
UBT - Chris Suddick ("Hi, I'm Chris from Warrington in the UK, an active participant with the UK BOINC...")
UBT - The Prof.... ("HI there! I am a train driver from the English midlands, who runs a crunching project for...")
Toxic ("And I thought this project was about making the perfect chocolate bar......")
Evil-Dragon ("Hi everyone, I'm from England and have been working with computers for over 15 years. I'm a...")
Merlyn (The Scottish Boinc Team) ("Village Idiot")
UBT - bobuk ("Welcome to the profile of: UBT - bobuk an active participant with the UK BOINC Team. See...")
Darren ("Welcome to the profile of: Darren an active participant with the UK BOINC Team. See...")

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