Last updated 13 Sep 2024, 16:30:03 UTC

Iain Harvey ("Hi. I'm Iain from the UK. Been crunching for a while now. Long may it...")
m4rtyn ("***** ***** Hi, my name is M4rtyn I am 50 years old and live in Birmingham England. I...")
Gopherboy76 ("I'm a 30+yr old Uni student studying TV/Film production. I love being around my friends and...")
Reeltime ("Born and bred in Scotland, and a proud member of The Scottish Boinc Team. A flatmate of...")
Snowdog of TSBT ("Originally started out as a Seti@Home cruncher and diversified into Boinc and its multitude...")
Ivor Cogdell ("Hi gang, I am a sales assistant in Birmingham, UK. I am a member of the Midlands...")
Chris H ("Name: Chris Age: 34 Location: Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK Team: Wales SETI...")
UBT - mickyb69 ("Hello there , I joined this project because i never liked mars bars and enjoy Milkyways ")
ANCHULA-MARK ("A member of the UK Boinc Team supporting MilkyWay@HOME. Apart from computing my interests...")
Joshrandom ("I am a member of The UK BOINC Team, one of the best teams around. My long term goal...")

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